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Steven Boardman

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Steven Boardman last won the day on October 23 2023

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  1. @GJ06 there is a setting which already exists, which allows connected users to view existing attachments of a request on the employee portal. guest.servicemanager.portal.request.canConnectionsViewAttachments Nothing currently for allowing connections to upload attachments A connection who is allowed to collaborate on requests they are connected to, can add updates or comment on existing posts, and in both scenarios they can add 'images' to their update / comment.
  2. @AlexOnTheHill have you tried the advanced search on the workflow list to find which workflows have specific values in them?
  3. @CraigP Yes, as these settings only relate to the Copy request button on the request form. Just to clarify: If you mean in your intelligent capture form, you have mapped custom field questions, on a custom form to fields on the original request i.e to the summary or description field using the field id's with names like h_summary, then these will be mapped to those fields on the original request. When you use the Copy button on that request to raise a new request, then as long as you have left the relevant copy settings on, such as copy summary and description, then it will copy across the values from those fields on the original request to the newly created copied request.
  4. @CraigP what is copied across when using the Copy Request option in a request view, is controlled by the following Global settings in Service Manager So you can control if custom fields are copied across, but be aware this is a global setting so will apply to all users who use this option.
  5. @chriscorcoran it looks like you are using the assetStatus simple list in your IC form (Data provider field) Remember you need to use the correct value in the Field ID to map this to the request custom field (in the screebshot, this is still set to Origin)
  6. @chriscorcoran there is the ability to map custom fields in intelligent capture to the custom field in your request, this link gives you the info on putting the request custom field ID into the Field ID of the custom question in an intelligent capture custom form. This will then map the answer to that question in intelligent capture to the corresponding request custom field https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Mapping_Fields_from_Customised_Forms It maybe a good idea to use a simple list as a data source (drop down list) for both locations, this way you only need to maintain the list once, rather than using static lists in two places.
  7. @GJ06 I believe the following setting is what you are looking for: This affects only the agent experience, i.e customers will still see all their subscribed services on the employee portal. Please be aware, this is a Global setting and will affect all agents logging requests on the service form in intelligent capture, so ensure the supporting teams model for your services is in place before introducing.
  8. @Caroline after your authorisation decision, and rejection branch, you can add the following node: One of the output params is 'completionDetails' this will contain the rejection reason You can include this reason in the UI Banner, by using the variable picker on the add notice node, and chose the relevant output variable. If you want to include this in an email to a customer, you will need to add this output param (via an update custom field node) to a custom field, and then include that custom field in the email template you send. Hope that helps Steve
  9. @will.good you would need to follow the task with an update external ref field, and in the external reference input field, change it to variable, and use the variable picker to use the custom field from the task node
  10. @Sandip Bhogal yes you can certainly customise the widgets and the look and feel - this is covered here on the wiki: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Employee_Portal_Page_Configuration - This covers the different roles you will need to see the options to edit the home page It looks like you have the role as the Cog is available to you, to go in and edit the widgets in the page designer This link covers the cosmetic look and feel and allows you to brand, change images, add your logo etc on the home page https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Customize_Employee_Portal
  11. @Andrew Parsons as Steve mentioned this is available now, the two additional input fields are as below * Account Status can be ignored or set to the following values * Email Address can be ignored, use a manual value or utilise a variable value
  12. @EWA in the admin console, you can now schedule requests, and when setting these up you can search for an associate an asset for each request. Assuming you are holding the certificates as assets, you can set up the scheduled requests from here, and associate the relevant asset to each. You can set these up on a schedule to run - but you would need to manually set the schedule and figure out the 2 months of each certificate expiry date, but then these could run each year, and you can use the workflow of the request to assign these to the appropriate teams.
  13. @Will J Douglas @Gareth Cantrell the SM update with the catalog item fix has been released today.
  14. @Andrew Parsons @HGrigsby @samwoo @Michael Sharp @Alisha @Martyn Houghton The ability to get user details from an email address has been added. This includes the following: 2 new inputs: Email Address - will ONLY filter on the primary email address, and is an exact match (not case sensitive); Account Status: Active/Suspended/Archived - set to ignore to not apply account status clause. Only affects searches using email address, existing userId/logonId/employeeId functionality will not change. If more than one user account is found with the provided email address (and status, if applicable) then the outcome output parameter of the operation will be tomanymatches - this will allow you to cater in the workflow for scenarios where more than one account has the same primary email address defined. The update containing the new features is scheduled to be available early next week.
  15. @Nikolaj there is a Suspend workflow option to wait for an attachment to be added to the request You can use the focus option to have the request show the attachment action on the action bar, and if needed use the Notice feature to signpost what needs to be added.
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