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How can I remove users from widgets (using filters)

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Hi, I was just wondering what the command would be to remove another person from a widget.

One of our team has recently left and due to company policy we cannot remove his account from the system yet. However, we have widgets that come up on a large screen in our office detailing the amount of calls that have been resolved by the top 5 people in a week, month and year.

I would like to know what command I would need to use in order to specifically filter him out of the equation.

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Hi @James Bartle

This really depends on the widgets/measures you are using and how they have been configured. 

From the example you gave, it sounds like the quick and easy way would be to go into the filter section of that widget and add some criteria to ensure the user isn't included in the results - for example:

AND h_resolvedby_user_id != 'bdickinson'

The attribute you use would be dependent on the chart (e.g. if you had a "Logged By" chart, you widget you might change h_resolvedby_user_id to h_createdby - a full list of Request attributes and what they display can be found here)


But you could make this truly dynamic and not have to specific an individual name. In terms of when customers/users leave, Hornbills advice is never to delete a user, but to put their account into an "Archived" status. So once this has been performed, you could put some criteria in your widget that performs a sub-select statement against the user records themselves, that does not return ANYONE who has an Archived status. 
Again, using your example - this could be achieved with the following:


h_resolvedby_user_id is not null AND
h_resolvedby_user_id NOT IN(select h_user_id from h_sys_accounts where h_account_status = 2)


And how this may be configured in a widget:



Does this help?

Kind Regards


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