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'List of Data' Widget - support column renaming

Martyn Houghton

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At the moment it is not possible to rename a column name when using a 'List of Data' Widget in Advanced Analytics, so when the Widget displays the physical database column name, i.e. h_datelogged, h_pk_reference etc.

It would be really useful to be able to use the 'as <name>' format then entering the columns to allow the column output to be renamed or for the Widget output to use the field label/translation text.



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Hi Martyn,

For now if you use list type "custom sql query" you can use AS alias in your sql. I will have a chat with the api team to see if we can pull the schema label for the columns used when using the "single table query".


SELECT h_pk_reference As Reference,  h_description As Summary, h_ownerid  As Owner
FROM h_itsm_requests
where h_ownerid is not null
limit 10


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